Homepage of Paulo Varandas

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"He who knows all the answers
has not been asked all the questions"


"Para ser grande, sê inteiro: nada          
Teu exagera ou exclui.                          
Sê todo em cada coisa. Põe quanto és
No mínimo que fazes.                           
Assim em cada lago a lua toda             
  Brilha, porque alta vive"                         
 - Antologia de Ricardo Reis -
Fernando Pessoa

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge
is limited to all we now know and
understand, while imagination embraces the entire
world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
A. Einstein


Curriculum Lattes

    AMS Math Genealogy Articles & Preprints  Miscelanea Salvador

Articles & Preprints


 P. Varandas, Entropy and Poincaré recurrence from a geometrical viewpoint,  Nonlinearity, 22, 2365-2375 2009. Preprint version

 P. Varandas and M. Viana, Existence, uniqueness and stability of equilibrium states for non-uniformly expanding maps  Annalles de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Analyse Non-Linéaire, 27, 555-593, 2010. Preprint version

 P. Varandas, Non-uniform specification and large deviations for weak Gibbs measures, Journal of Statistical Physics, 146, 330-358, 2012. Preprint version

 V. Araújo and P. Varandas, Robust exponential decay of correlations for singular-flows, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 311, 215-246, (2012) & Errata to "Robust exponential decay of correlations for singular-flows" Communications in Mathematical Physics 341:2, 729-731 (2016) Preprint version

 P. Varandas and Y. ZhaoWeak specification properties and large deviations for non-additive potentials, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 35:3 (2015) 968-993. Preprint version

 J. Rousseau, P. Varandas and B. Saussol) Exponential law for random subshifts of finite type, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124 (2014) 3260-3276. Preprint version

 N. Sumi, P. Varandas and K. Yamamoto, Partial hyperbolicity and specification, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144:3 (2016) 1161–1170. Preprint version

 V. Araújo, I. Melbourne and P. Varandas, Rapid mixing for the Lorenz attractor and statistical limit laws for their time-1 map, Communications in Mathematical Physics 340 (2015) 901–938. Preprint version

 M. Carvalho and P. Varandas, (Semi)continuity of the entropy of Sinai probability measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 434:2 (2016) 1123-1137. Preprint version

 V. Araújo, O. Butterley and P. Varandas, Open sets of Axiom A flows with exponentially mixing attractors, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016) 2971-2984. Preprint version

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), 2971-2984Preprint version

  P. Varandas and Y. Zhao, Weak Gibbs measures: convergence to entropy, topological and geometrical aspects, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 37:7, (2017), 2313-2336. Preprint version

 T. Bomfim, A. Castro and P. Varandas,  Differentiability of thermodynamical quantities, Advances in Mathematics, 292 (2016), 478–528. Preprint version

 F. Rodrigues and P. Varandas, Specification properties for group actions and thermodynamics of expanding semigroups, Journal of Mathematical Physics 57, (2016) 052704  Preprint version

 M. Bessa, C. Ferreira, J. Rocha and P. Varandas, Generic Hamiltonian dynamics, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 29:1 (2017) 203-2018.  Preprint version

T. Bomfim, M. J. Torres and P. Varandas, Topological features of flows with the reparametrized gluing orbit property, Journal of Differential Equations, 262:8 (2017) 4292-4313 Preprint version

M. BessaJ. Bochi, M. Cambraínha, C. Matheus, P. Varandas and D. Xu, Positivity of top Lyapunov exponent for cocycles on semisimple Lie groups over hyperbolic bases, Buletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, DOI: 10.1007/s00574-017-0048-6 Preprint version

X. Tian and P. Varandas, Topological entropy of level sets of empirical measures for non-uniformly expanding maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 37:10 (2017) 5407-5431 Preprint version

 T. Bomfim and P. Varandas, Multifractal analysis for weak Gibbs measures: from large deviations to irregular sets, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 37: 1 (2017) 79-102 Preprint version

➣ J. Rocha and P. Varandas, The centralizer of C^r generic diffeomorphisms at hyperbolic basic sets is trivial, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 146:1 (2018) 247-260 Preprint version

W. Bonomo and J. Rocha and P. Varandas, The centralizer of Komuro-expansive flows and expansive Rd actions, Mathematische Zeitschrift (2017)
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-017-1988-7 Preprint version

➣ M. CarvalhoF. Rodrigues and P. Varandas, Quantitative Poincaré recurrence for semigroup actions, Nonlinearity (to appear) Preprint version





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Erwin Schrodinger Institute (Vienna)
Internacional Centre Theoretical Physics (Trieste)



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