Post-doctoral position at the PhD Program in Mathematics UFBA/UFAL

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A vancancy for a post-doctorate research scholarship in the framework of
"Programa Nacional de Pós Doutorado PNPD-CAPES" (National post-doctoral
programme PNPD-CAPES) associated to the PhD Program in Mathematics UFBA/UFAL
is available from october 2015.

The applicant is expected to be a Doctorate with high research
potential in Mathematics, without a job contract. The value of the scholarship
is R$4100,00 (four thousand and one houndred brazillian real) per month.
The selected candidate may have to teach a course per semester depending on the departmental needs.

To apply, the applicant should send, to the email with a copy to both the
direction and vice-director of graduate studies of the PhD Program in Mathematics UFBA/UFAL ( and until september 30 or until the position is filled, the following documents:
• Curriculum Vitae.
• Research proposal.
• Names and addresses of at least two researchers that could provide letters of recommendation if required.
The selected candidate should begin the activities from October 2015 onwards. The result will be posted in this webpage and also communicated by email to the candidates.

The CVs of the faculty of the PhD Program in Mathematics UFBA/UFAL can be
found at


and the correponding faculty at UFAL can be found at

The direction of graduate studies.