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The PhD program in Mathematics at UFBA, created in 2010 jointly with UFAL, is now the only program in this field in Bahia. It therefore has a regional leading role in the formation of professors for the local schools and in particular universities. It is one of the centres of mathematical research in North and North-eastern Brazil with its scientific staff publishing in renowned international journals. A Summer program is organised every year at UFBA, in the months of January and February. The public targeted by this program ranges from prospective Master students to senior researchers. The Summer activities include courses, several workshops, and conferences. Additionally, at the end of each calendar year a conference bringing together students and researchers from all fields of Mathematics is organised.


The program currently comprises the following research areas:

Algebra, Logic and Topology


Differential Geometry

Dynamical Systems




PhD degree program

To obtain a PhD the student needs to fulfil the following requirements:

  • Pass six courses with a minimum average grade of 7 out of 10.
  • Pass two Qualification exams, one in the field of research and the other in a complementary field.
  • The two Qualification exams need to be completed 18 months after the entry into the program.
  • Pass a proficiency test in either English or French.
  • Do a supervised teaching internship.
  • Elaborate and defend the PhD thesis.



Coordinator at UFBA:

Augusto Armando de Castro Júnior



Vice-coordinator at UFBA:

Dirk Erhard



Coordinator at UFAL:

Márcio Henrique Batista da Silva



Vice-coordinator at UFAL:

Marcos Petrúcio de Almeida Cavalcante



Homepage UFAL
